Trampoline Accidents on the Rise
Trampoline-related injuries are on the rise, and the apparent cause is the increased popularity of trampoline parks. According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, emergency room visits in the United States for trampoline park-related injuries have increased more than ten-fold in the past several years.
The lead author of this study, Dr. Kathryn Kasmire, an ER physician at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, explained the reason she and other physicians wanted to conduct this study was because they were surprised at how serious many of these injuries are. Dr. Kasmire and her colleagues analyzed emergency room data from a national database and concluded that while injuries from home trampolines remained steady, injuries incurred at trampoline parks increased from 580 to 7,000 over a four-year period.
Trampoline Parks
According to the International Association of Trampoline Parks, there were only 40 of these facilities in existence in 2011. The number had increased to 280 by 2014 and has been increasing by as many as five new parks per month during the past couple of years. Because of the increasing popularity of these facilities, trampoline park injuries will likely continue to rise.
Despite the fact that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against children using trampolines for recreational purposes, thousands of children visit these parks annually. These parks have a wide variation in safety guidelines, and it is important for parents to read and understand the risks associated with trampoline use. It is also recommended that parents watch their children closely if they allow them to visit these parks.
Injuries and Liability Issues
When it comes to premises liability, a trampoline is a “premises” in the same way an amusement park ride is. The owner of the trampoline has a duty to ensure the trampoline is safe for foreseeable use and in good condition, free from obvious defects. If the trampoline is located at a trampoline park, there are other things that must be considered including the number of children allowed to jump on a trampoline at the same time, proper supervision, and adequate protective padding on surrounding surfaces.
If you or someone you care about is injured while jumping on a trampoline, there are many variables that come in to play when it comes to determining liability. The best way to fully understand your rights is to reach out to a qualified premises liability lawyer or Chicago personal injury lawyer.
Shea Law Group
If you or someone you love has been injured while jumping on a trampoline, give us a call at (877)-365-0040. Our dedicated legal team at Shea Law Group is here to help.